
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rockstar Games Social Club

I came across Rockstar Games Social Club during the course of my classwork today. I decided to just briefly look over it and assess its importance in social media.

Social Club logo |
Rockstar Games, makers of the Grand Theft Auto and Red Dead series, have announced that they are releasing Max Payne 3 later this year for Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. In addition to releasing the game later this year, Rockstar will be utilizing social media and will attempt to create a community around Max Payne 3 with their revamped Social Club. The full article on this announcement can be found here. From what I understand, it seems that the Social Club is a forum for gamers to utilize when they play any Rockstar Games title. Users will be able to login with their Facebook or Twitter accounts, get up-to-date news as it is announced, and will be able to interact with other players, via the “add friend” feature, and even put together a “crew” for online multiplayer purposes. Additionally, users will have access to game guides, to help them through any tricky parts, and access to exclusive content, which will help enhance the consumer’s gaming experience. I think this is a great and innovative way to take the solidarity out of the gaming experience and encourage communication about a shared interest amongst consumers.  And for consumers that are not keen on multiplayer games, they can still interact with others while reaping the benefits of exclusive content and guides for themselves. Below is a screenshot of what the Social Club webpage looks like.
 By utilizing the Social Club, and essentially creating a very niched social media platform, Rockstar has effectively created a Facebook for gamers. By getting consumers signed up with this service, they can not only reach them directly about their current titles, but also provide a platform to market future projects to them. Moreover, Rockstar will be able to engage in conversations with their market directly, should they so choose, via this platform, which will help consumers feel more engaged and give them a greater sense of belonging in the community. This sense of belonging will encourage more frequent visits, which causes the cycle to begin again as more and more games are released.

Rockstar Games logo |
While the Social Club is very heavily integrated into social media outlets, I feel Rockstar’s main website doesn’t really have any references to social media (no “Like” page for Facebook, no “follow us on Twitter” button). This is one area Rockstar could improve upon. By having a section dedicated to social media on their homepage (aside from their Social Club, which is their version of social media), they would be able to cultivate a connection with fans over social media giants like Facebook and Twitter. Rockstar does a great job delivering what fans have come to except and (in some cases) a few great surprises they haven’t expected, but the idea that Rockstar really wants to have a conversation with their fans, be it to ensure they’re still doing right by the consumer or just to check in and build the relationship with their customer, is not readily apparent on their main webpage.

What do you think about social media and gaming? What do you think of Rockstar's integration of social media into their services? What's your favorite Rockstar game?

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