Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Lesson From A Bandicoot

Growing up, technology played a major role for my friends and I. It was always about who has the latest gadget or widget on the market. Before we were old enough for cell phones (and girls) we raved over what we thought was the best thing ever: video games. During the summer of 1994 a game by the name of Crash Bandicoot was released and quickly became the hot game to have. Unfortunately, I didn’t get hooked until the sequel “Crash 2: The Wrath of Cortex” but once I got into the franchise I was unequivocally a fan. I’d like to talk briefly about the development of Crash Bandicoot. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game, Crash was released in the early 1990's during the transition from the Super Nintendo...

Monday, February 27, 2012

Game Time 101

Hey everyone! Welcome to Game Time, a blog dedicated to games, past, present, and future. This blog will have posts featuring games of today as well of the past. Currently, we are updating the layout and the format of the blog, so please bare with us for the time being. Have a great eveni...

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