Sunday, March 25, 2012

[Re-Play] The Simpsons: Bart's Nightmare

Recognize this? For those of you who don't, this is just one of many introductions to the Simpsons, a TV show that features and parodies pop culture and current events. When the Simpsons were still a relatively new family to everyone in America, I was still a young boy who didn't catch any of the references on comedy shows and yet... there was something appealing about the yellow family of Springfield. One of the best character on the show, Bart, brought out the destructive youth in all of us. Who better for a protagonist in a game? The Simpsons family | The Simpsons: Bart’s Nightmare has you live out the “worst” dreams of everyone’s favorite troublemaker. The story starts off as Bart falls asleep trying to complete...

Friday, March 23, 2012

[Skyrim Double Feature] The Imperial Argument

This article was written by my good friend Pierre Roderique.  I hope you guys enjoy it! *Spoiler Alert* This article contains spoilers about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is one of two articles arguing opposing sides of the Skyrim's Civil War. The Stormcloak Argument can be found here. The Imperial, the champion of the Empire. On Wednesday, Sean wrote an article in support of the Stormcloaks, explaining away their faults and trying to undermine the position of the Empire. At the end of that article, he promised that I would write a follow-up explaining just what makes the Empire so great; well, here it is.  Anyone who has played Skyrim knows about the Stormcloaks and the Imperials; their struggle forms the backdrop...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

[Skyrim Double Feature] The Stormcloak Argument

*Spoiler Alert* This article contains spoilers about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It is one of two articles arguing opposing sides of the Skyrim's Civil War. The Imperial Argument can be found here. The Stormcloak, the dedicated defender of Skyrim's freedom.          It’s been awhile since The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim came out (4 months and 10 days by my count), but there’s still one argument that seems to pop up on video game forums an awful lot (aside from the inevitable “Where do I get my nude mods?”): Who is right: the Stormcloaks or the Imperials? Even though the civil war/revolution isn’t technically the main quest line in the game, it’s mentioned so often that is might as well...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Violence and Brand Identity: Legal Issues in Gaming

Happy St. Patrick’s Day readers! A few weeks ago, I discussed the legal side of video games and how it affects us as game loving consumers. Today, I’d like to revisit the legal issues with the gaming industry and entertainment in general. A series of podcasts from a series called Entertainment Law Update by Gordon P. Firemark, Esq. will provide the topics of discussion today. Obscene v. ViolentThe first podcast, titled “Episode 22: Violent Games, (anti) Slapps and other painless fun”, featured issues regarding a variety of topics including the Mike Tyson tattoo controversy that spawned from the Hangover II and everyone’s favorite song dedicated to a day of the week! While these issues don’t directly relate to gaming,...

Friday, March 16, 2012

[Gaming On A Budget] Part I: Bitching, BioWare, and Realm of the Mad God

Hey, you know what I hate? A lot of stuff. Because I'm incredibly bitter. I don't care if you just had a baby, it looks like a pruney and pink gremlin. Yes, your "varsity" lawn is great, but I don't want to hear about how you sold your soul to get it so nice and green. And, really, I could name about one less than infinity things that I'd rather be doing than hearing about your day. That one thing that I couldn't name? It's hearing about your day. Surprise. "Honey, that pact I made with Satan came through! What do you mean 'the baby's gone'? Look at the lawn!!" But, something I do like is video games. Video games in the morning. Video games in the evening. Video games at supper time. Sadly, even video games have found a way to piss...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

[Re-Play] Kingdom Hearts

Walt Disney was notorious for being an innovator in many categories. His legacy, the Walt Disney company, is likewise known for adding magic to every aspect of life. It is for both of those reasons that Kingdom Hearts is a pleasant, but somewhat expected development. For those of you unfamiliar with Kingdom Hearts, it is a hack n’ slash adventure game with RPG elements that mashes Disney characters with some of the basic Final Fantasy principles and even features cameos from characters like Cloud and Tidus. wikipedia.orgIn Kingdom Hearts, You assume the role of Sora, a young teen with a good heart. Sora hails from a far away land called Destiny Island where he enjoys spending time with his friends Riku and Kairi. To make a long story short,...

Friday, March 9, 2012

[Top 10] Girls from The Legend of Zelda

The Legend of Zelda is a relatively popular video game series (you’ve probably heard about it) chock-full of swords, magic, triangles, hats, fish people, talking shrubs, and girls.  Yes, you heard (or rather read) correctly: girls.  In the 26 years the franchise has been out (that’s longer than some of you kiddos have been alive!), The Legend of Zelda has given us great stories, compelling characters, and enough water dungeons to make you want to scream. But this article isn’t about everything the Zelda series has to offer.  Instead, I’ll be talking about the 10 best girls in the games, because we all know you’ve fantasized about one or more of them at least once (or is it just me?).  *Ahem* Anyway, here we go! Oh, and there...

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