Saturday, April 14, 2012

[Re-Play] Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

When not playing Mass Effect 3 (due to lack of an HDTV), I have been once again exploring the world of San Andreas on my MacBook. Admittedly, I am not a big computer gamer, so if it exists on a console, I’ll probably play it there first. What better way to become familiar with an unfamiliar medium than to play a game I already completed on console years ago. After a few minutes of configuring controls and learning how things worked with a keyboard and mouse, I quickly got my groove back and was able to start progressing through the pseudo-Golden State. Just another day in the neighborhood | A shake of a spray can and the RockStar Games “R” logo appeared. This is the peak of open-world gaming in the GTA3 era. In control...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

[Gamer's Review] Indie Games: Journey

Journey's Title Screen | Yesterday I went to GameStop to buy Journey, an Indie game developed by thatgamecompany.  It's a third-person game that I would best describe as a cooperative platformer.  I had first learned about Journey from Penny Arcade and was intrigued by the concept of the game. Basically you're a robed figure (that looks kind of like a Garo Robe from Majora's Mask) on a journey across a vast desert to a large mountain.  You start this journey alone on the far side of a fairly large hill, and as you climb to the top of the hill and explore the ruins on the other side.  The controls are very simple, the left analogue stick makes you move, "Circle" lets you communicate and interact...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

[Top 5] Games Based On TV Shows (and How I'd Do It)

So in my ever-evolving quest to involve my girlfriend in my gaming hobby, I recently picked up Lost: Via Domus for Xbox 360. She watched the show back when it first aired and I just recently finished watching all of the seasons, so I figured it’d be a good game for us to try together. For a casual night of gaming, it wasn’t bad. She got to enjoy her favorite show from a new point of view and I got a topic for a blog article. For those of you who haven’t seen Lost, you should probably get on that because it’s quite possibly one of the greatest shows of all time. Yes, of all time. But that’s another topic, entirely. As I watch her play through the game, which admittedly has its flaws (GameSpot really echoes my feelings on the game in...

Monday, April 9, 2012

[Top 5] Games That Deserve Sequels and/or Remakes

Sorry for being about two weeks late with this latest Friday update.  I've had a lot on my plate in college land.  Hopefully this little article will appease you and get rid of any hard feelings.  No?  Oh well, I'll post it anyway. Normally sequels and remakes are an atrocity and the people behind them deserve to be drug out into the street and shot.  Sequels suck and are made to cash in on a previous success without requiring much thought or effort.  The only constant exceptions are planned sequels, trilogies, and series. On the same note, most remakes are just “get rich quick” schemes that take classic games, update the graphics, maybe throw in some extra features like expanded multiplayer, an extra weapon, new...

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