Before Inception, there was The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening. Don't know what that means? You probably haven't played it. And if you have and still don't get it... listen to some Notorious B.I.G. for the big reveal! Growing up,
Zelda games were some of my favorites. I didn’t get into handheld gaming until the
Gameboy Color was released. I'm not counting GameGear, because all I did on that was die as Sonic in one of his portable editions. Oh, and that Tom & Jerry game... If I recall correctly, when I finally got into GameBoy, I played two games: Pokémon: Blue Version (my brother had
Red) and The Legend of Zelda: Link’s
Awakening DX. When I wasn’t thwarting Team Rocket’s plans, I was on
Koholint Island exploring its mysteries and...