Saturday, July 21, 2012

[Gamer's Review] The Sims 3

Oh yeah. You read that correctly. I played the Sims. And what's more - I enjoyed it. I recently had the opportunity to interview with EA: Salt Lake, so I decided to prepare for the interview process by diving into a game I’m only somewhat familiar with – The Sims 3. The Sims franchise focuses on the lives of simulated people as the go about their day-to-day activists. You, the player, effectively act as a deity that can control their actions and alter their world. As a side note: I've only played the game with NO additional expansions or "stuff" packs. The Sims 3 cover art - Character creation screen | In the Sims 3, there is a lot you can do. When you start the game, you first have to create...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

[Gamer’s Review] Portal 2

Hey readers. I know it’s been a while but I’m back with an exciting article on a game I recently got to play for the first time: Portal 2.   Image courtesy of Chell with the Portal Gun | In case you haven’t played Valve’s innovative title or its predecessor, the Portal series focuses on you (playing the role of Chell, the mute protagonist) in a test facility ran by Aperture Science. In the first game, you are awakened from stasis to complete tests in order to receive the ultimate prize: CAKE! I know, cake doesn’t sound like a great prize… but supposedly it’s very delicious cake!  The title is mainly a puzzle game designed in the manner of First-Person Shooter, but unlike other...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

[Gaming On a Budget] Strike Force Heroes

It's been awhile since I last sat down and wrote an article.  While I'd love to say it was because I've been spending most of my time working, romancing my girlfriend, writing the next Great American Novel, or spending quality time with friends and family, it's really not.  Not that I haven't been doing that (because I totally have, ask anyone), it's mostly because the semester ended and I was tired of doing anything related to journalism and also because I'm lazy. Mostly because I'm lazy. But then today while I was trying to avoid writing with all of my considerable might and willpower I came across a gem of a game: Strike Force Heroes. Even the loading screen is pure awesome. | I saw the game on NotDoppler...

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