Friday, September 26, 2014

[Gamer's Review] Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition - Part 1

Tiamat, Queen of the Dragons | Image Courtesy of Enworld I know it's been awhile since I last reviewed a game, so I figured I would do something new with this post- review a table-top role playing game.  Now, for those of you unfamiliar with TTRPGs (which given the nature of this blog and the audience it would attract if it indeed attracted an audience is pretty slim), they are games wherein a group of people, usually ranging from 3-6, come together and use a set of rules to tell a story together.  Each game usually has a Dungeon Master (or Game Master) that works on the general frame of the story and presents challenges to the players, and 2-5 players that creature characters that interact with the world the DM has created. ...

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